Monday, February 4, 2008

Blogging away

If anybody out there is wondering why my blog isn't being updated so often nowadays, the reason is simple enough. Following the latest debacle with Ken Lynge Primby and his "allegedly" fraudulent activity at mine and others expense, I decided to leave. Truth is, this was the last straw in a series of bad experiences in this unpleasant country.

If you read this and you're thinking of moving to Denmark, I'd ask you please to consider very carefully before committing yourself, and, if you do, don't bring any money with you, otherwise they'll get it off you somehow. I have never seen a country more obsessed by money than Denmark, although, since the taxes are so high, criminal activity and theft, which starts with the government and their ludicrously high tax rates, are the only way for anyone to make a bit of money on the side.

I may be financially much, much poorer for the experience of living in this hell, but much wiser in life. I've been more sure of where I stand on the issue of whether the welfare state actually works, thats for sure.

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