Monday, November 5, 2007

More Notes from the Danish election

Witnessing a Danish election first hand, three things spring to mind

1) The amazing number of candidates in our town, which only has a population of 17,000. Some parties even seem to have two or three potential candidates to vote for. By my reckoning, it looks like half the population of Hobro are standing for election! For a country that claims to care about the environment, they certainly do waste a lot of cardboard and printing facilities on election posters of the candidates. I kid not, no lamp-post has been left untouched. All grinning, smiley, smug faces, the lot of them. Now, where's my air-rifle or dartboard?

2) The age of the candidates. So many of them seem to be young people in their 20s or early 30s. I wouldn't vote for anybody who hasn't had at least some experience of real life in the unforgiving commercial world, but giving people who've done nothing more than come straight out of cushy "political studies" at University with their idealised theories unbased on the realities of the world, (Helle Thorning Schmidt, anyone?) the ability to decide - what's really sad is the power they could potentially wield over us all.

3) On the basis of 1) and 2), comes the conclusion that with suffocating socialism and the forced income redistribution of high taxes, that the only way to get around it is to become a member of the government, get a nift free ministerial car and a load of other freebies, then spend the rest of your life spending other peoples money.

Hey, did I just describe "Animal farm" by George Orwell, or what? (and the stark realisation that I'm "Boxer"?)

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